Dennis Kennedy
- Keynote
- https://denniskennedy.org/
Dennis Kennedy has an unwavering passion for people and works to ensure that all individuals receive equal opportunities in the workplace regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, religion, age, physical or mental handicaps, physique, gender identity, or sexual orientation. In 2004, Mr. Kennedy walked away from his job to start the Texas Diversity Council because he felt a very strong need to create an organization that would champion Diversity & Inclusion across the state.
Four years later, Mr. Kennedy found himself launching the National Diversity Council (NDC) for the same reasons he started the state council. Currently, the NDC is made up of 16 state and regional councils. His vision is to have state and regional diversity councils in all 50 states. Visit the National Diversity Council for more information.
Along with the state councils, he has launched several statewide conferences focused on diversity, leadership and women. Currently there are conferences taking place in 32 States. Visit the National Diversity Conference or the National Women’s Conference for more information.
Furthermore, Mr. Kennedy launched two additional national organizations in 2011 including the National Women’s Council which focuses on advocacy for women and the Council for Corporate Responsibility, which seeks to educate organizations on the best practices in social responsibility. In addition, he is the creator of the DiversityFIRST™ Newsletter, a proud product of DiversityFIRST™ Publishing which is distributed in the following 13 states: Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Tri-State (NY, NJ & CT).